Crestwing anchors wave energy device off Denmark

Business & Finance

The wave energy plant from Crestwing, named Tordenskiold, has been anchored in place at Frederikshavn, marking the start of the prototype’s first offshore testing campaign.

Tordenskiold device installed northeast of Hirsholmene at Frederikshavn (Photo: Crestwing)

On December 5, 2018, Crestwing pulled the anchor connection into the wave energy plant, securing the Tordenskiold to the seabed using its three-point anchoring system.

The aim of the planned two-year trial is to prove the plant’s anchorage and function at sea, and confirm the expected production of energy.

In addition to this, the tests will serve to further develop the power take-off (PTO) system and hinges for the device, Crestwing said.

Ruth Bloom, Director at Crestwing, said: “It has taken us 13 years and about 30 million DKK to test ideas and functions in the wave energy plant and to develop this prototype, Tordenskiold. We are looking forward to establish that wave energy can be a significant player in the market of renewable energy.”

The Tordenskiold prototype device is 30 meters long, 7.5 meters wide, with the weight of 65 tons.

The device falls under the attenuator type of floating wave energy devices which operate parallel to the wave direction, with a hull designed as that of a ship.

These devices capture energy from the relative motion of their two arms as the wave passes them, and according to Crestwing, the company plans to sell its commercial-scale device to energy production companies at home and abroad.