Danes issue discussion paper on energy island procurement

Business & Finance

The Danish Energy Agency has published a discussion paper on the procurement framework for the commercial co-ownership of the Energy Island in the North Sea.

Danish Energy Agency

The discussion paper contains a number of themes and questions that are relevant to the procurement framework for co-ownership of the Energy Island and initiates the market dialogue with interested market operators.

It covers the timetables, business case, shared ownership and corporate structure, construction and technical requirements, innovation, as well as pre-conditions and interdependencies.

All relevant market operators and potential tenderers are invited to submit written recommendations and answers to the questions raised by the Danish Energy Agency in the discussion paper.

In addition, the agency invites market operators to participate in virtual dialogue meetings, which are held with a maximum of 10 operators. The starting point at the meetings is the discussion paper.

To remind, Denmark reached a landmark agreement at the beginning of February on the construction of an energy hub in the North Sea.

The artificial energy island will be constructed 80 km from the shore of the peninsula Jutland. Around 200 turbines with a combined capacity of 3 GW are expected to be installed in the first phase of the project.

The tendering process is planned to begin in 2022, with the announcement of the winner expected at the beginning of 2023.