Data gathering buoys bob to Albany test site waves

Authorities & Government

New technology, said to measure ocean waves and currents with greater accuracy than ever before, is being deployed off the Western Australian coast as part of Wave Energy Research Centre initiative.

Data gathering buoys on their way to deployment sites (Photo: Wave Energy Research Centre)

The two buoys, set to hit the water this week, will collect data on wave height, direction, period and surface current speed, then transmit the information via satellite to the Wave Energy Research Centre, where scientists will analyze the data, according to the project leader – the University of Western Australia.

In partnership with the state government, the project aims to place Western Australia at the forefront of marine renewable energy research and technology and increase knowledge and understanding of ocean processes.

According to the University, the researchers have collaborated with industry partner Carnegie Clean Energy as part of the State Government funded Albany Wave Energy Project. Their data and ocean models will improve the placement, survivability and performance of Carnegie’s CETO 6 wave energy converter device.

The new home for one of the wave buoys is approximately 45 kilometers offshore from the Albany wind farm at Sandpatch, while the second wave will bob closer to shore – the same location where the CETO 6 device will be installed.

The government of Western Australia has invested Au$3.75 million in the Wave Energy Research Centre, forming part of the overall Au$19.5 million investment by the state government in the broader Albany Wave Energy Project.