DNV approves GTT’s latest developments in alternative fuels

Certification & Classification

French LNG containment specialist GTT has received three Approvals in Principle (AiPs) from classification society DNV for its latest developments in alternative fuels, two of which were developed with the support of Finnish ship designer Deltamarin.

Courtesy of GTT

The approvals were presented to representatives of GTT and Deltamarin at DNV’s headquarters during the Nor-Shipping exhibition.

They cover the following projects:

  • A concept for an LNG dual-fuel Suezmax tanker developed in collaboration with Deltamarin, fitted with an LNG fuel tank of 5,500 m3 equipped with GTT’s Mark III system;
  • A concept for an LNG dual-fuel very large crude carrier (VLCC), which was developed with the support of Deltamarin, fitted with an LNG fuel tank of 12,500 m3 equipped with GTT’s Mark III system; and
  • A concept for a Mark III LNG fuel tank with an ammonia-ready notation that includes material compatibility with ammonia risk assessment and boil-off gas management.

As explained, the concepts for tankers aim at maximising vessel autonomy thanks to large-capacity tanks, giving ship-owners and charterers the benefit of longer trade navigation with only one refuelling operation, with no impact on cargo capacity.

Regarding ammonia, based on an extensive compatibility tests campaign carried out by GTT, the ammonia-ready concept paves the way for potential conversion of the fuel tank to ammonia in the future, offering additional flexibility to comply with environmental regulations.

Concepts for the 12,000 m3 LNG dual-fuel VLCC and the LNG fuel tank with ammonia-ready notation were also approved by Japanese classification society ClassNK earlier this year.


Philippe Berterottière, Chairman and CEO of GTT, said: “We are very pleased to have received these Approvals in Principle from DNV, with whom we have a long-term and trustful relationship. These certifications confirm the relevance of the R&D and innovation efforts carried out by GTT engineers and technicians. Besides, the work done on ammonia is an important milestone for GTT and the future of our technologies. We thank DNV for their trust in our solutions for alternative fuels and Deltamarin for their strong cooperation.”

Remi Eriksen, Group President and CEO of DNV, added:  “We are very pleased to grant Approvals in Principal to GTT and Deltamarin for these innovative new concepts. Continuing to break new ground with regards to technology, is essential if shipping is to meet its ambitious decarbonization goals. These concepts build on LNG, which is already playing a key role in reducing shipping’s carbon emissions, while offering a path towards future fuels.”

Kristian Knaapi, Sales Manager of Deltamarin, commented: “Deltamarin is proud to have achieved these Approvals in Principle alongside GTT, signifying the dedication of our work. The advances in ammonia and LNG are important milestones and signify the progress towards our decarbonization goals. We are pleased by the great collaboration we have had with both DNV and GTT, as we collectively pave the way towards zero-emission operation.”

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