EC: European ocean energy leadership set as strategic priority

Authorities & Government

The European Commission recently published its new vision for EU energy research and development policy, the Integrated Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan), under which the preservation of EU’s leading position in ocean energy developments is defined as a strategic priority.

The document sets out the Commission’s priorities to ensure research and innovation in energy fully contribute to the objectives of the Energy Union.

It clearly identifies Europe’s lead in ‘resource specific technologies for as ocean energy’, Ocean Energy Europe’s press release reads.

Jacopo Moccia, Policy and Operations Director of Ocean Energy Europe, said: “Making the EU ‘N°1 in the world in renewable energy’ was a key pledge of Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and this communication clearly identifies ocean energy’s technological leadership and the key role it will play in the future of Europe’s power mix.”

According to the document, the Commission considers that it ‘makes sense’ to continue supporting ocean energy ‘from basic research all through the supply chain to demonstration projects’.

“This is an encouraging signal, OEE expects the sector to start taking off over the coming months, many worthwhile projects are moving from the drawing board to the water. The opportunities for ocean energy and European technological leadership are there and have been acknowledged by the Commission,” concluded Moccia.

Ocean Energy Europe is a Brussels-based industry group representing the renewable ocean energy sector in Europe.

Image: OEE