ETIP Ocean explores control systems for tidal and wave devices

Business & Finance

The European Technology and Innovation Platform for Ocean Energy (ETIP Ocean) will this month host a webinar to explore how control systems can improve the performance of tidal and wave energy converters.

Control systems for wave and tidal energy converters act to optimize power production and reduce stress and fatigue on components by allowing devices to adapt to changing ocean conditions, according to ETIP Ocean.

The webinar will provide a brief introduction to the theory of control systems, including a look at their use in other sectors, before investigating how such systems can be applied to the ocean energy sector.

It will feature Ross Henderson, Senior Consultant Engineer at wave energy company Quoceant, and Jochen Bard, Head of Marine Energy at Fraunhofer IWES, as speakers who will present their perspectives on control systems in ocean energy, before an open discussion with the attendees.

The webinar, to be held on June 27, 2017, is free of charge, and requires registration.

ETIP Ocean is regarded as an advisory body to the European Commission. It is managed by Ocean Energy Europe and the University of Edinburgh, bringing together around 250 experts from 150 organizations covering the entire European ocean energy sector.