Fifth well in Black Sea drilling campaign finds more 'abundance of gas pay'

Fifth well in Black Sea drilling campaign finds ‘abundance of gas pay’

Exploration & Production

Canada’s oil and gas player Trillion Energy has discovered an ‘abundance of gas pay’ with the fifth well in its multi-well program at a natural gas field in the Black Sea off Türkiye.

Source: Trillion Energy

The Bayhanli 2 well was spud on 5 April at the East Ayazli Tripod on the SASB gas field with the Uranus rig, which was hired in May 2022 for this drilling campaign.

Trillion Energy now announced the preliminary gas indications from the well, stating that on 13 May, Bayhanli 2 reached 3,425 meters total measured depth (TMD) and true vertical debt (TVD) of 1,231 meters and discovered an “abundance of gas pay”.  

Initial petrophysical analysis has indicated about total 43 meters gas pay in six Sand Units of Akcakoca Member. The thickest pay of 14 meters is in the E Sand and 13 meters in AA Sand.

According to the company, the 7” production casing has been run in and cemented and the initial perforation intervals are currently being selected to bring the well into production. Completion and flow testing will occur once the well is perforated, with results to be announced next week. 

Trillion Energy expects Bayhanli 2 to start generating revenue at the end of May. After completion of the well, the rig will be moved to the Akkaya Tripod to start drilling the Alapli 2 well.

“The Bayhanli 2 well gives Trillion Energy 5 wells for 5 activities now at SASB. We are in the process of evaluating how to maximize the gas production from each well as more wells are brought into production. One avenue is to hire an engineering firm that specializes in multi-well gas fields that have different production pressures,” said Arthur Halleran, CEO of Trillion.

The news comes shortly after Trillion Energy revealed flow test results for the Guluc-2 well at the SASB natural gas field while the flow test results for the previous three wells – South Akçakoca-2Akçakoca-3, and West Akçakoca-1 – were disclosed in early and late November 2022 for the first two wells and in March 2023 for the third well.

The Canadian firm plans to add three sidetrack wells to the development program for the SASB field, increasing the total number of wells for this Black Sea drilling campaign from 17 to 20.