Finnish Hamina LNG terminal receives first LNG carrier

Business Developments & Projects

Hamina liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal, the first LNG import terminal in Finland connected to the transmission network, has received the first commercial LNG carrier.

Courtesy of Alexela
Courtesy of Alexela

On 22 October, an LNG cargo ordered by the Estonian energy company Alexela from the Zeebrugge LNG terminal in Belgium arrived at the port of HaminaKotka in southern Finland.

Alexela operates the Hamina LNG terminal in a joint venture with Finnish company Hamina Energy and technology group Wärtsilä.

The received LNG is delivered to the high-pressure Finnish transmission network where it reaches Estonian customers via the Balticconnector, plus it is delivered by trucks to both Finnish and Estonian customers.

“The largest direct investment in the history of Estonia in Finland called Hamina LNG terminal has now officially started with the arrival of the first commercial LNG vessel”, said Marti Hääl, Chairman of the Management Board of Alexela AS and member of the Management Board of Hamina LNG Oy.

Hääl added that the first commercial LNG unloaded in Hamina over the weekend marks the creation of a new supply chain independent of Russian gas in the region.

As reported earlier this month, the Hamina LNG terminal started supplying natural gas to the grid on 6 October, following the cooldown procedure and commissioning tests of the systems and equipment.

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The terminal provides LNG storage services with a storage capacity of 30,000 m3 and regasification and injection services into the Finnish gas transmission network with a daily capacity of 4,800 MWh.

Other services include LNG truck loading, vessel unloading and loading, and vessel bunkering.

With the current regasification and injection capacity, approximately 1,7 TWh of natural gas can be injected from the terminal into the transmission network annually.

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