
Five California seaports forge California Port Data Partnership

Business Developments & Projects

Five California seaports – the Port of Los Angeles along with the ports of Long Beach, Oakland, Hueneme and San Diego – signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Sacramento, launching the California Port Data Partnership alongside state and federal partners.

Illustration. Courtesy of Port of Los Angeles

The MOU outlines an agreement among the five ports to jointly advance computerized and cloud-based data interoperability with a common goal of supporting improved freight system resilience, goods movement efficiency, emissions reduction, and economic competitiveness.

“California’s ports are an essential link in the global supply chain. Thanks to the leadership of Governor Newsom and our state legislature, California is establishing a first-of-its-kind, collaborative data system between all our state’s containerized cargo ports,” said California Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis.

Over the past months, California’s five ports and state officials have held biweekly roundtables to develop the framework for the MOU. The MOU and partnership will serve as the basis of cooperation for the $27 million in grant funds from the California Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) for port data system development and emerging data aggregation and analysis efforts that support freight and supply chain resiliency. The funds were included in the Budget Act of 2022 which included a historic multi-billion-dollar state investment in California’s goods movement and supply chain sectors.

“The MOU is a first-of-its-kind agreement on data system development among containerized ports and outlines eleven areas of cooperation, ranging from developing data definitions to ensuring equitable access to data for users,” said GO-Biz Director and Senior Advisor to Governor Gavin Newsom, Dee Dee Myers.

“This MOU and the funds that follow will build the basis for greater cooperation and standardization when it comes to data in our supply chain. I want to thank all of our partners across the supply chain as well as our ports for their leadership in this effort.”

.Data was essential to navigating supply chain disruption,” said Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Gene Seroka.

“Analytics from that data allows us to see around corners, which is not just a competitive advantage, it’s now a public necessity. I commend our state leaders, particularly GO-Biz and Director Myers, for having the foresight to invest in data infrastructure to create a more predictable and efficient supply chain.”

“This strategic technological alignment and partnership will specifically enable the Port of Hueneme to best support the ecosystem of California ports as a resiliency hub and of utmost importance, take the state to the next level by connecting the supply chain with a cloud-based cargo data system that promises to minimize disruptions and prosper fluidity in goods movement,” said Kristin Decas, CEO and Port Director for the Port of Hueneme.

“Sharing vital shipping data will reduce delays and aid the entire goods movement industry from the docks to doorsteps,” said Port of Long Beach Executive Director Mario Cordero.

“By working together, California’s ports can enable end-to-end visibility and connectivity across the supply chain.”

Port of San Diego Board of Port Commissioners Chairman Rafael Castellanos, pointed out that the Port of San Diego is a vital part of goods movement in the region and for the entire state of California.

“We are an indispensable economic engine pumping $9.2 billion into our county’s economy and we serve as an integral part of our national security. We are thankful to Governor Gavin Newsom for the opportunity to collaborate with other California ports to further improve our operations, increase throughput and enhance customer service through the Ports Data Partnership.  This is particularly important as our Port, through our Maritime Clean Air Strategy is creating a greener, cleaner, and more modern seaport,” he added.