Furneaux Refutes Shipping Service Cancellations

Furnaux Refutes Shipping CancellationsDespite reports to the contrary, Furneaux Freight remains committed to continuing shipping services to the communities of both Flinders and Cape Barren Island, Tasmania, said the company in a release.

The press release was issued as a response to Tasmania Minister of Infrastructure Rene Hidding’s written statement saying that the Ministry had been advised by Flinders Island Council that Furneaux Shipping would cease its freight services to the Island from September 22, this year, stating as a reason  a commercial dispute between TasPorts, which operates the Port of Lady Barron, and Furneaux Freight, which is licensed to conduct stevedoring activity at the port, as well as operating the shipping service.

In an update to the first statement, the Ministry of Infrastructure has disclosed that the Liberal Government of Tasmania on September 4 requested that TasPorts immediately develop short and medium term options to ensure continuity of shipping services to Flinders and Cape Barren Islands.

However, Furneaux Freight has dislosed that the company had given Tasports notice that it would no longer conduct stevedoring activities at the Port of Lady Barron which is owned by Tasports, but it remains committed to providing shipping services to the communities on both Flinders and Cape Barren Islands.


World Maritime News Staff, September 05, 2014