Fairstar successfully completes load-out of Tombula Landana modules

Fairstar Heavy Transport (FAIR) has completed the loading of two topside modules this week onto its heavy transport ship Fjord at Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. Ltd. (DSME) in Okpo, South Korea, where the two modules have been constructed.

Dave Hangoor, Operations Manager for Fairstar, reported: “Both modules with an approximate total weight of 11,000 tons, were successfully skidded onto the deck of the Fjord directly from the quayside. The coordination and teamwork between DSME, Fairstar and Heerema Marine Contractors resulted in a smooth and incident free loading in less than five hours. The ship functioned perfectly as we managed the changing tidal cycle while taking the modules onboard”.

The Fjord will sail from Korea directly to the Tombua Landana field in Angola being developed by Chevron. Philip Atkins, CEO Fairstar, commented: “Heerema Marine Contractors is managing a project of enormous complexity. The logistics and engineering scope leave very little room for error. Fairstar is playing a small part in the overall project, but we are determined to build a reputation for flawless technical execution and reliability within the field development community.”