India: GDD Minister Inaugurates Amphibian Dredger

GDD Minister Inaugurates Amphibian Dredger

An amphibian dredger from Finland was officially inaugurated on Saturday at Silsako Beel wetland by Ajanta Neog, the Guwahati Development Department (GDD) Minister.

The officials from the Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) are hoping that this machine could help reduce urban flooding in the Guwahati area during the coming monsoon season, reports

Regrading this issue, Minister Neog stated: “Encroachment on wetlands and natural water-carrying channels has resulted in urban floods in Guwahati and this problem has become a prime concern for all.”

The mentioned dredging machine is capable of moving at around 7.4 km/h (capable of moving on land), and it has been supplied with a multi-pontoon system.

Cleaning and development of waterbodies and channels are always a problem and cannot be done manually. This is where the dredger, with its unique multi-functional operating features, would come in handy,” concluded M. Angamuthu, CEO of the GMDA.


Dredging Today Staff, May 6, 2013