Indonesia: OSRL Attended 36th IPA Convention and Exhibition

Business & Finance

Indonesia: OSRL Attended 36th IPA Convention and Exhibition

OSRL exhibited at the Jakarta Convention Centre at the 36th IPA Convention and Exhibition from 23 – 25 May 2012.

Themed “Working Together to Meet Indonesia’s Energy Needs”, the event saw members from the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) and the oil and gas community gathering to share local industry knowledge and expertise. The IPA, which was established in 1971, provides a forum for members to exchange news and information as well as facilitating dialogue and communication between the industry and the Government of Indonesia.

The Exhibition provided an opportunity to showcase the progress and development of the Indonesian subsidiary, PT Oil Spill Response Indonesia (PT OSRI). They were able to greet their Indonesian customers as well as explain the response and preparedness services to prospective customers.

The Conference also included a strong technical programme. Ignatius Harta, a Team Supervisor from the Singapore office, presented a paper entitled “An Evaluation of Preparedness and Response Capability to a Deepwater Oil Spill Release in Indonesia”.

During the event, OSRL also organised an inaugural call for technical papers on topics related to oil spill response and preparedness. College students and graduates were encouraged to take part to stand to win a trip to Singapore to present his / her paper to members of the regional oil and gas community during a forum event organised by PT Oil Spill Indonesia (PT OSRI).

Subsea World News Staff, June 07, 2012; Image: OSRL