Introducing the largest Chinese tidal power plant

Authorities & Government

Jiangxia power plant is the largest Chinese tidal power plant in operation, with the installed capacity of 3.9 MW.

The construction of the Jiangxia tidal project began in 1974. It is located at the north end of Yueqing bay, East China Sea.

The installation of the first tidal turbine commenced in 1980, and its capacity was 500 kW.

The project was completed in 1985, with the installation of one 500 kW tidal turbine, one 600 kW tidal turbine and three sets of 700 kW tidal turbines, amounting in total to 3.2 MW of installed capacity.

In June 2006, the sixth turbine was connected to the grid, increasing the total capacity of the tidal plant to 3.9 MW.

The tidal plant is of barrage type, and the turbines operate in both ebb and flood tides, producing an annual power output of 7 MW/h.

The power station feeds the energy to villages at a 20 km distance, through a 35 kV transmission line.

The maximum tidal range in the estuary is 8.39 m.

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Source: Tethys; Image: PowerChina