Kongsberg Maritime Subsea Application Seminars in Denmark Start Tommorow

Business & Finance

Kongsberg Maritime Subsea Application Seminars in Denmark Start Tommorow

The first of five specialist subsea applications seminars organised by Kongsberg Maritime’s subsea department starts this Thursday (28 Feb 2013) in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The free one-day seminars have been developed to enable users of Kongsberg Maritime hydroacoustic systems to speak with the experts and learn how to get the most from these state-of-the art tools.

Kongsberg Maritime invites existing customers and those interested in utilising its market-leading survey, subsea positioning and underwater vehicle technology to any of the five planned seminars:

– Copenhagen 28 February

– Stockholm 5 March

– Turku 7 March

– Szczecin 13 March

– Gdansk 14 March

Press Release, February 27, 2013