Marine license application submitted for Scotland to England subsea link

Project & Tenders

Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission (SHE Transmission) and National Grid Energy Transmission (NGET) have applied for marine licenses for the Eastern Green Link 2 subsea HVDC project.

SSEN Transmission (Screenshot of the map)

SHE Transmission applied to the Scottish Government for marine licenses in respect of Eastern Green Link 2 HVDC cable and cable protection from Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, to Scotland-England Water Border, under Part 4 of the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 and Part 4 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.

Project partner National Grid Electricity Transmission submitted an associated marine license application to the Marine Management Organisation for the elements of the project located within English waters.

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Eastern Green Link 2 was formerly known as Eastern Link 2 and Scotland to England Green Link 2.

The project will see the installation of a subsea HVDC cable from Sandford Bay, at Peterhead, to Drax in England.

Project developers are also required to construct a converter station. The current proposal seeks permission to place this converter station in Peterhead, adjacent to the existing power station, 275kV substation and recently consented 400kV substation.

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