Image showing MPS' WaveSub device (Courtesy of Marine Power Systems)

Marine Power Systems to test multi-megawatt wave energy array at EMEC

Business Developments & Projects

Marine Power Systems (MPS) has signed a berth option agreement with the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) for the deployment of two multi-megawatt WaveSub wave energy converters.

MPS' WaveSub device (Courtesy of Marine Power Systems)
Image showing MPS' WaveSub device (Courtesy of Marine Power Systems)
MPS’ WaveSub device (Courtesy of Marine Power Systems)

The option agreement gives MPS first refusal to a berth at EMEC’s grid-connected Billia Croo wave test site for the deployment of two WaveSub devices.

The project represents MPS’ first planned deployment of a commercial-scale array.

It will support the ongoing development of the device and its functionality to ensure that the commercial arrays delivered at increasing scale represent the most robust, reliable and cost-effective devices on the market.

The project will also deliver further research and development around manufacturing and deployment at commercial scale.

Rob Flynn, commercial manager at EMEC, said: “MPS’ approach to technology development has been very impressive to date and we’re looking forward to working with Gareth and his team to further develop their demonstration plans at two of our grid-connected berths at our Billia Croo test site”.

Gareth Stockman, CEO of MPS, added: “This project represents another significant step forward for the business and our progress towards market readiness. Small scale arrays of wind and wave projects such as this one at EMEC are important to achieving our vision of being a world leading supplier of marine energy devices”.

WaveSub is said to have a unique wave energy capture mechanism – directly harnessing both the heave and surge energy of the wave.

Each energy absorber can capture over a megawatt of power, and each WaveSub device has multiple absorbers, leading to significant multi-megawatt power output per machine.

MPS’ technology solution can be configured to harness wind power, wave power or combined wind and wave power at grid scale. It represents the only modular wave, floating wind and combined solution that can be used in deep water, according to MPS.

Between WaveSub, WindSub and DualSub, Marine Power Systems supports optimised energy capture for any particular site through the combination of wave and wind energy generation technology.

Earlier in May, MPS informed it selected the Biscay Marine Energy Platform (BiMEP) in Spain to test its full-scale DualSub platform that houses both wave and wind power generation technologies.

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