Markey to Supply Scripps’s Research Vessels with Advanced Deck Equipment (USA)


Markey Machinery Company announced that it is under contract to supply Scripps Institution of Oceanography with advanced deck equipment used to conduct scientific investigations using Conductivity, Temperature, & Depth (CTD)/ Rosette samplers.

This new CTD handling system includes a third generation Markey CAST6‐125 Deep Sea Research Winch with active motion compensation controls, integrated with an Allied Systems Company specialty CTD handling system with anti‐pendulation CTD docking head. The system fully conforms to 46CFR‐Subpart 189.35—Weight Handling Gear (for Oceanographic Vessels), as well as Research Vessel Safety Standards Appendix A – “UNOLS Rope and Cable Safe Working Load,” and Appendix B – “UNOLS Load Handling System Design Standards.”

Following factory testing the system will be retrofit aboard the general purpose research vessel Roger Revelle (US Navy AGOR‐23 class) to overboard their CTD/ Rosette sampler without the use of tag lines. The automated control feature and active motion compensation functions improve shipboard safety during overboarding operations, improve data by decoupling ship and sampler motion, and extend the life of electro‐mechanical cables.

Source: Markeymachinery, August 24, 2011;