Milano university and companies team up for Hydrogen JRP

Milano university and companies team up for Hydrogen JRP

Business Developments & Projects

Universities Fondazione Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Milano, Edison, Eni, and Snam have created Hydrogen JRP, a platform to develop hydrogen technologies for the clean energy transition.

Illustration only; Courtesy of Eni
Milano university and companies team up for Hydrogen JRP
Illustration only; Courtesy of Eni

Hydrogen can play a central role in addressing the current demand for progressive decarbonisation in many sectors. Thus, one of Italy’s aims is to support hydrogen research and development. According to Europe’s H2 strategy, the share of green H2 in its energy mix will increase up to 13-14 per cent by 2050.

The Hydrogen Joint Research Platform (Hydrogen JRP) is a new university-company joint research platform.

It will specifically promote innovative studies and research in several areas:

  • The production of clean hydrogen, which includes green hydrogen and low carbon hydrogen;
  • Transport solutions and advanced storage systems;
  • Electrochemical and thermal applications for domestic and industrial use in addition to transport systems;
  • The development of best practices in the design and construction of hydrogen transport and storage infrastructure.

The goal is to stimulate the creation of a hydrogen value chain in Italy. This would, therefore, encourage company competitiveness and the growth of new high-tech companies.

To increase its impact, Hydrogen JRP will establish a strategic advisory body. The body will involve all the main institutional stakeholders, including at the global level.

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Francesca Zarri from Eni stated: “Research and development is one of the pillars underpinning Eni’s strategy of totally abolishing emissions for industrial processes and products, as well as being the key for a fair and successful energy transition.

In conclusion, Hydrogen JRP is open to all companies that want to experience research into hydrogen-associated products and services.