MMO and ESCA Issue Subsea Cables Desk Note

The UK’s Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and the European Subsea Cable Association (ESCA) have jointly developed a desk note to assist the subsea cable sector with marine licence applications.

The two parties collaborated to make sure that the content is of value to the cable industry and that the information it contains gives a clear understanding of what applicants need to do to achieve licences, MMO said.

According to MMO, which produces internal desk notes to assist its staff in dealing with applications for licences, the desk notes are important in setting out legal obligations and ensuring the staff works consistently to deliver its regulatory duties.

“ESCA welcomes this publicly available desk note, which will ensure consistency for both applicant and regulator,” Peter Jamieson, Chair of ESCA, said.

“This desk note provides an overview of the subsea cable sector, the relevant legislation, a description of the different types of cable, the main methods of cable installation, as well as the key impacts to be considered in a subsea cable application.”

ESCA and MMO see this as a positive contribution to the way the industry is managed and believe it demonstrates the benefits of cooperation in achieving the common goals of economic growth and environmental protection.