MRC and Nova Scotia DoE publish in-stream tidal guide

Authorities & Government

Marine Renewables Canada, together with Nova Scotia Department of Energy, have published a guide aiming to ensure the sustainable development of in-stream tidal industry called Statement of Best Practices for Tidal Energy Development & Operation.

The Statement follows a sequence of essential steps in planning, deployment, operation, and decommissioning of an in-stream tidal energy project.

These steps will apply to all tidal instream energy conversion (TISEC) device development projects, and it must be recognized that some aspects may be more involved owing to the complexity of the specific project.

The Statement complements, but does not replace, existing regulatory processes or requirements. It provides regulators, tidal developers, community stakeholders, and the general public with an outline of how development of the in-stream tidal industry can function in a sustainable manner.

The Statement is intended to be a living guide and reflects the Province of Nova Scotia’s commitment to clarify, facilitate, and improve decision-making processes for the development of in-stream tidal energy as a viable sector. Its aim is to ensure the industry grows in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.

Click here to view the Statement of Best Practices.

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Source/Image: MRC