Muskeget Channel scans for fitting tidal kit

Authorities & Government

Marine Renewable Energy Collaborative (MRECo) is looking for the most suitable tidal energy technology that could be deployed in Muskeget Channel, off Edgartown in the USA.

MRECo said it already contacted over thirty turbine developers, and entered in discussion with around 8 of them, in its effort to find the best technology that could be installed in the channel.

The move follows the resource assessments conducted earlier this year by MRECo and partner organizations to better characterize the sites for tidal energy developments.

MRECo conducted water velocity profile surveys of the area, together with WaterCube, and located areas where the current flows up to 2 meters/second on all tidal cycles, the organization informed.

This goes in line with the aspirations of the town of Edgartown, located on Martha’s Vineyard island, to exploit tidal energy resources of the Muskeget Channel to produce clean power for its community.

Having led the effort from 2013, MRECo said the clean energy committee worked with various parties to conduct resource and environmental studies to characterize the area and to locate a spot where the conditions would favor tidal or current energy production.

MRECo is a nonprofit corporation that aims to foster the sustainable growth of marine renewable energy, including wave, tidal, and offshore wind sectors of New England.

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