One Dead, Five Injured in Fire aboard Product Tanker off Shanghai

Business & Finance

One person died and five were seriously injured when a product tanker carrying 29,000 tons of diesel oil caught fire off Shanghai yesterday afternoon, according to local media.

The 2009-built Ye Chi was carrying the oil from Jinshan to Singapore when the fire erupted, reportedly starting in the crew’s living quarters.

Shanghai Search and Rescue Center dispatched a Coast Guard ship and a helicopter to assist the crew of the 45,740 dwt tanker, as well as four fire fighting tug boats to contain the fire.

Following the rescue, six out of 26 crew members were airlifted to hospital, where one man succumbed to his injuries.

The fire was reportedly put under control late yesterday evening, local time. The tanker is currently anchored in Hangzhou Bay some 35 nm east of Jinshan, and the cause of the fire is being investigated.

The Hong Kong-flagged Ye Chi is managed by China Shipping Tanker, a subsidiary of China Shipping Group.

World Maritime News Staff