Scoping a Strategic Assessment Tool for Co-Existence of Activities in Marine Plan Areas

An ABPmer report scoping a robust strategic assessment tool for co-existence of activities in marine plan areas has recently been published by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO).

Scoping a Strategic Assessment Tool for Co-Existence of Activities in Marine Plan Areas

The MMO commissioned ABPmer in association with eftec and Ichthys Marine Ecological Consulting ltd to scope a flexible approach to the assessment of co-existence in the marine area.

The scoping report explores a comprehensive approach to co-existence assessment and examines the current feasibility of developing an approach that could integrate physical, environmental, social and economic variables. The report indicates the level of information required to fully assess co-existence at scales relevant to all functions in the MMO.

Stephen Hull, Project Director said: “This was an exciting project for ABPmer, allowing us to draw on our experience in cumulative effects and socio economic impact assessments. Activities in the marine area often have overlapping requirements for available space, co-existence is important to ensure these activities can be carried out in a sustainable way with minimal conflict between users.”

The report was published on 4 April 2014 as part of the Marine Management Organisation’s marine evidence and information reports.

The full report


abpmer, April 24, 2014