Seatricity to Set Up First Device on Hayle Wave Hub

The wave energy device at Wave Hub is due to be towed 10 miles off Hayle, BBC reports. It could take around 12 more months of testing prior to electricity production.

Seatricity to Set Up First Device on Hayle Wave Hub

The Cornwall’s Wave Hub was installed in 2010, and the Seatricity plans to connect it with 60 devices in order to produce power.

Seatricity’s experimental device, which will be towed from Falmouth, uses octagonal aluminium floats to capture wave energy by pressurising seawater, BBC reported.

Wave Hub was funded by the UK Government and the European Regional Development Fund Convergence Programme. It is owned by the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) and operated by Wave Hub Ltd, a not for profit company.

Subsea World News Staff, June 20, 2014