Semcon, Hystar colab on green hydrogen production tech

Semcon and Hystar collaborate on green hydrogen production tech

Business Developments & Projects

Swedish tech company Semcon and Norwegian company Hystar will jointly develop new technology for green hydrogen production to support future energy needs.

Illustration; Courtesy of Semcon
Semcon, Hystar colab on green hydrogen production tech
Illustration; Courtesy of Semcon

Hydrogen as a fuel in fuel cells can decarbonise the transport sector. It can also decarbonise heavy industry. So, the production of renewable green hydrogen gas is crucial to achieving the European Green Deal.

This collaboration wants to increase the amount of hydrogen gas that can be produced through electrolysis. Specifically, the target is over 150 per cent increase compared to current electrolyser technology, but without using more energy.

Additionally, the project is a research and development one. Its aim is to develop a new generation of electrolysers that contain new design concepts for components.

“The electrolyser technology we’re developing together will allow Hystar to produce highly energy-efficient electrolyser stacks, with the potential to reduce the capital cost of electrolysis by up to 60 per cent. This is something that the world really needs”, said Tommy Ekman from Semcon. 

Traditional production processes, in which hydrogen gas comes from natural gas, emit large amounts of CO2. A more eco-friendly alternative is water electrolysis, in which electricity splits water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. When using electricity from renewable sources, the result is classified as green hydrogen.

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“Green hydrogen is key for the energy transition and provides a possibility to fully utilise renewable energy sources in the decarbonisation of various sectors,” emphasises Ekman.

The aim is that many different industries use Hystar’s products soon. Also, the product should soon fuel all forms of transportation.