Siemens Gamesa Draws Green Line in Spain

Siemens Gamesa has, in a deal arranged with BBVA, converted a EUR 900 million guarantee line into a ‘green’ transaction and will use it to support its business of manufacturing and selling onshore and offshore wind turbines worldwide.

Through this deal, Siemens Gamesa has also become the first company in Spain to arrange a guarantee line that qualifies as ‘green’ due to contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

This line is the first deal to be arranged under BBVA’s new sustainable transactional product linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on green, social or sustainable transactions.

“I am particularly proud of our company’s commitment to combating climate change by generating clean, sustainable energy for the planet. At Siemens Gamesa, we are focused on being ever more sustainable across the board, and this deal is another step in that direction,” said David Mesonero, CFO of Siemens Gamesa.