Solstad Charters CSV Normand Tonjer for Gwynt y Mor Offshore Wind Farm, UK

Business & Finance

Solstad Charters CSV Normand Tonjer for Gwynt y Mor Offshore Wind Farm, UK

Solstad Offshore ASA (SOFF) has been awarded a contract with Gwynt Y Mor Offshore Wind Farm ltd (60% RWE Innogy GmbH, 30% Stadwerke München Gmbh and 10% Siemens AG) for the CSV “Normand Tonjer”.

The duration of the contract is approx. 17 months firm with additional options. The new contract will commence directly after completion present charter beginning December 2012.

In addition SOFF has been awarded a new contract with Visser & Smit Marine Contracting BV (VSMC) for rental of the CSV “Normand Flower”. The duration of the contract is 230 days firm and additional 3 months option. The firm part includes a paid stand-by period of approx. 80 days (December -12 to February -13)

The Normand Flower has been working for VSMC since March 2012, the stand-by period will among other tasks be utilized to upgrade the vessels crane capacity, by installing a new offshore crane with 150 ton lifting capacity.

The total value for the firm parts of the two contracts are approx. NOK 140 mill.

Press Release, December 11, 2012