Study to look into hydrogen use in maritime industry

Study to look into hydrogen use in maritime industry

Research & Development

OERA, an independent, non-profit organization based in Canada’s Nova Scotia has launched a study into the role hydrogen could play in maritime”s energy transition.

Illustration only (Courtesy of DNV GL)
Study to look into hydrogen use in maritime industry
Illustration only (Courtesy of DNV GL)

OERA leads the study funded by Heritage Gas Limited, Liberty Utilities, the Nova Scotia Department of Energy & Mines and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency.

“This study is one way we are evaluating options to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 in the Maritimes,” said OERA executive director Alisdair McLean.

“It will investigate hydrogen’s potential contribution to our region’s sustainable development goals, including creating hydrogen from local raw materials, transportation, storage and ultimate end uses both locally and in export markets,” he said.

Zen Clean Energy Solutions, the successful bidder in the recent RFP process related to this study, has initiated work and is currently evaluating how green and blue hydrogen production could support the region’s broad energy policy objectives around climate change, economic growth and sustainably developing energy resources.

Zen will review all aspects of hydrogen from creation to end-use, evaluating economic and technical constraints and opportunities as hydrogen use and production scale up over time in the maritimes.

“The results of the study will be used to identify research priorities, inform policymakers and help local businesses identify energy transition supply chain business prospects,” said McLean.