Top news, April 20 – 26, 2015

Tidal Energy Today Staff has compiled the top news from tidal and wave energy industry from April 20 – 26, 2015.

PLAT-O system anchors at EMEC

Sustainable Marine Energy (SME) has signed a long term testing contract with the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC). SME has secured one of the berths at the Fall of Warness tidal test site where it will deploy five PLAT-O systems in an array over the next two years. This array will host Schottel SIT tidal turbines and will deliver almost 1 MW capacity.


Tidal industry could bring USD 1.4 bln to Nova Scotia

The study ‘Value Proposition for Tidal Energy Development in Nova Scotia, Atlantic Canada and Canada’ describes the potential opportunity that could result in developing a tidal energy industry in Canada. Over the next 25 years, aside from bringing in USD 1.391 bln to Nova Scotia’s GDP, tidal energy industry could create up to 22.000 full time jobs and generate as much as USD 667 mln in labour income, the study states.


EU supports Portuguese ocean energy schemeEU supports Portuguese ocean energy scheme

The European Commission decided Portuguese scheme aimed at promoting renewable energy technologies is in line with EU state aid rules. The scheme will support the total installed capacity of 50 MW for demonstration projects producing renewable energy from waves and tides, and innovative offshore wind technologies. ‘Windfloat project’ has been allocated 25 MW. For the remaining 25 MW capacity, project proposal can be submitted until the end of 2015.


Tidal Energy Today Staff