Top news, May 11 – 17, 2015

Tidal Energy Today Staff has compiled the top news from tidal and wave energy industry from May 11 – 17, 2015.

Moventas to supply gearboxes for Alstom’s OceadeMoventas to supply gearboxes for Alstom’s Oceade

Moventas, a Finnish-based technology developer, is currently in the process of designing customer-specific modified gearboxes for Alstom’s Oceade 18 tidal turbine that has the capacity of 1.4 MW. The turbines with the combined capacity of 5.6 MW will be used in a pilot tidal farm project Alstom is developing in collaboration with Engie located at Raz Blanchard, France.


GE's subsea converter for Paimpol-Bréhat tidal nears completionGE’s subsea converter for French tidal nears completion

GEPC’s engineers are finalizing the construction of the subsea converter that will be used for Paimpol-Bréhat tidal project. The converter will enclose all the electrotechnical equipment required for electrical conversion. The company is completing the final tests, before inserting all the technical elements into the housing. After the welding process, converter will be submerged for the period of 5 years of autonomous operation at the bottom of the ocean.


 Geophysical survey for CETO 6 project begins

Carnegie has started geophysical survey activities for CETO 6 project that will influence the future project development. The findings of the geophysical activities will influence elements of the CETO 6 project, such as foundation selection, cable route and overall installation methodology. The geophysical survey is a critical step in the environmental approvals process for the CETO 6 Project and the results of the survey will determine the next phase of the design process for Carnegie’s team.


Atmocean’s wave energy system to be deployed in May, 2015Atmocean’s wave energy project in Peru authorized

The Peruvian Navy has officially signed off on permitting which grants US wave energy developer Atmocean a one-year license to demonstrate its wave energy technology in Ilo, a coastal city in southern Peru. Atmocean will deploy a system consisting of five connected seawater pumps by early June, leading to the potential installation of full commercial systems by the end of 2015.

Havkraft's wave energy plant

Havkraft wave power plant fully operational

Havkraft, a Norwegian wave energy developer, has announced that its floating wave energy plant is now fully functional. The wave power plant is currently deployed off Stad, a peninsula in northwestern part of Norway. This full scale prototype wave energy plant has the capacity of 200 kW, and serves as a demonstration plant. The company is currently searching for a client that would help deliver the 1.5 MW full scale wave plant.


Tidal Energy Today Staff