UK: MeyGen Deploys ADCP to Gather Tidal and Wave Resource Data in Inner Sound

Business & Finance

UK: MeyGen Deploys ADCP to Gather Tidal and Wave Resource Data in Inner Sound

Members of the MeyGen development team accompanied their research partners the Environmental Research Institute (ERI), Exeter University and contractors Mojo Maritime to deploy three Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) on the Inner Sound seabed.

The mobilisation of the installation was organised at Gills Bay harbour which proved itself to be ideal for this type of operation. The equipment will be gathering data which, once collected and processed will help add greater certainty of the available tidal resource at the site. The data, once processed will assist MeyGen and partners in the design of the turbines and the design development of the Mojo Installer vessel. The ADCPs are planned to be recovered in 1 months’ time. A picture of the team on the workboat prior to ADCP deployment is below.

In conjunction with the campaign to obtain greater site environmental data, MeyGen working with Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC) are in the commissioning stages of marine X-Band radar deployment which is located at the Ness of Huna. The site was chosen due to its proximity to the project site and will allow MeyGen to gather data on waves and currents, spatially and we are thankful for the co-operation that local landowners/stakeholders have afforded the project in this instance. This equipment is planned to be deployed for 2-3 months.

Press Release, February 26, 2013