Venezuelan gas to flow to Trinidad and Tobago for liquefaction

Project & Tenders

Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago have signed a deal to deliver natural gas from the Venezuelan Dragon field for export through the Atlantic LNG’s Point Fortin facility. 

Image courtesy of PDVSA

According to a statement by the state-owned Petróleos de Venezuela, the two countries will execute the interconnection project linking the resources in the Dragon field with the Hibiscus platform, from which it will be delivered to Point Fortin for liquefaction.

PDVSA noted that over the last two years, the governments of the two countries have jointly been working with Shell on the feasibility of the gas interconnection between the two countries.

Under the terms of the deal, 150 million cubic feet of gas will be supplied from the field on a daily basis.

The agreement provides a new boost to Atlantic LNG, a company owned by BP, Shell, China’s sovereign wealth fund CIC unit Summer Soca and Trinidad’s state-owned company NGC, that has been steadily picking up following the start of production from the Corallita and Lantana gas fields via BP’s Juniper platform, 80 kilometres (50 miles) off the south-east coast of Trinidad.

In June last year, BP also made new discoveries offshore Trinidad with the Savannah and Macadamia exploration wells unlocking approximately 2 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of gas.


LNG World News Staff