VIDEO: Perth Wave Energy Project


Perth Wave Energy Project is expected to be a demonstration of a complete grid-connected, commercial scale CETO system, according to Carnegie.

As announced earlier, the first CETO 5 Unit, installed as part of Perth Wave Energy Project, has now clocked up 700 in ocean operating hours, and the second unit is ready for deployment.

The Perth Wave Energy Project (PWEP) has been under construction for approximately 12 months beginning with the installation of the CETO 5 Unit offshore foundations in 2013. The construction was proceeded by some 2 years of design, approvals, offtake, financing and procurement activity. More than USD 30 mln has been invested in the design, development and construction of the project.

The CETO technology generates both power and water from the ocean swell while remaining fully submerged beneath the ocean surface.

As the PWEP is a demonstration not a commercial project, the key objectives are mainly focused on demonstrating the viability of the CETO technology and learning from the experience of deploying and operating multiple CETO units and the complete CETO system.

Check out the animated overview of Carnegie’s Perth Wave Energy Project.

Source/Image: Carnegie Wave Energy