Wärtsilä to upkeep 10 Gaslog LNG carriers

Wärtsilä to upkeep 10 Gaslog LNG carriers

Business Developments & Projects

Greek shipowner Gaslog has picked the Finnish technology group Wärtsilä to maintain and ensure operations of ten of its very large LNG carriers.

Courtesy of GasLog
Wärtsilä to upkeep 10 Gaslog LNG carriers
Courtesy of GasLog

GasLog specifically selected Wärtsilä’s optimised maintenance agreement to cover the LNG carriers. It is designed to ensure certainty of operations with budgeted maintenance costs.

The parties signed the agreement back in June 2021.

The tailored agreement covers the vessels’ twin two-stroke dual-fuel main engines. This way, it is enabling them to benefit from the condition monitoring and asset diagnostic services. These include Wärtsilä’s Expert Insight solution and remote operational support capabilities.

The Expert Insight digital predictive maintenance innovation utilises artificial intelligence (AI) and diagnostics to provide accurate and pro-active advice and recommendations. The system is able to recognise performance deviations, thus allowing timely corrective actions, thereby increasing uptime. Furthermore, by ensuring efficient operations, it lowers emission levels.

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“By ensuring optimal engine efficiency, which in turn minimises emissions, it is also a valuable contributor to global efforts to decarbonise shipping,” says Rajeev Janardhan of Wärtsilä.

Wärtsilä says its optimised maintenance agreement is an important element within its Lifecycle Solutions offering.