Wavepiston installs first energy collector on its wave energy system off Canary Islands

Wavepiston installs first energy collector on its wave energy system off Canary Islands

Project & Tenders

Danish company Wavepiston has installed its first full-scale energy collector on its wave energy system offshore the Canary Islands.

Source: Wavepiston

Wavepiston reported that it had on February 8 installed its first full-scale energy collector on the Wavepiston string at the Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN) in Gran Canaria.

According to the Danish company, the installation is of big importance as it allows the demonstration of the potential of Wavepiston technology to stakeholders.

“The 8th of February 2024 marks a historic day for Wavepiston,” the company said on social media. “It has been a day long coming, so the excitement and relief of the successful installation is huge. We hereby enter an exclusive club of full-scale demonstrators of wave energy.”

Wavepiston’s wave energy system consists of energy collectors placed in the ocean which produce pressurized seawater which is transported to the shore where power generation and reverse osmosis units for desalination are located.

The energy collectors are designed by Wavepiston and manufactured by Thune Eureka.