Welsh government invites input on potential tidal lagoon challenge


The Welsh government has issued a Prior Information Notice (PIN) to determine the best approach to formulating a potential competition that would support the delivery of a tidal range energy project on the Welsh coastline.

Illustration/Tidal Lagoon Power's concept for tidal lagoon in the Swansea Bay (Courtesy of Tidal Lagoon Power)
Illustration/Tidal Lagoon Power's concept for tidal lagoon in the Swansea Bay (Courtesy of Tidal Lagoon Power)
Illustration/Tidal Lagoon Power’s concept for tidal lagoon in the Swansea Bay (Courtesy of Tidal Lagoon Power)

The purpose of the PIN, issued on Welsh government’s procurement portal, is to conduct a soft market testing exercise to inform the nature and scope of any support the Welsh government could provide for the construction of a tidal range electricity generation project.

The current preferred approach is to undertake a competition to identify suitable options, according to the Welsh government.

To inform its approach to the competition, the Welsh government wishes to engage with organisations interested in the delivery of tidal range energy projects on its coastline, to gather information prior to formulating a preferred approach to the competition and support package.

“Please be aware that at this stage we will not be formally assessing proposals, and nothing given or provided at this stage will be evaluated as part of any future procurement process. We welcome responses from suppliers and organisations who feel that they have positive ideas on how our vision of supporting the development of tidal range power projects in Wales can be delivered”, the Welsh government noted.

Following the receipt of completed questionnaires, the Welsh government said it may also undertake supplier sessions and meet with suppliers to discuss their market engagement feedback.