Welsh minister for climate change Julie James in Pembrokeshire (Courtesy of Marine Energy Wales)

Welsh minister for climate change takes Pembrokeshire marine energy tour

Outlook & Strategy

The Welsh government’s minister for climate change Julie James has visited south-west Wales to see first-hand the work being done in Pembrokeshire to advance the development of renewables, including marine energy.

Welsh minister for climate change Julie James in Pembrokeshire (Courtesy of Marine Energy Wales)

Minister James was invited to Pembroke Dock to meet members of the Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum (PCF) team, a community interest company set up to support sustainable development and to preserve coastal and marine environments for future generations. 

As part of her visit, the minister was taken on a boat tour around the Milford Haven Waterway and visited sites within the Marine Energy Test Area (META), a project managed by PCF.

META offers energy developers the chance to test wave energy, tidal energy, and floating offshore wind devices in pre-consented, real sea conditions and is the first and only facility of its kind in Wales.

Jetske Germing, managing director of PCF, said: “We were delighted to welcome the minister for climate change to Pembrokeshire this week to meet the team and some of our key partners in person. 

“Coastal communities in Pembrokeshire are on the frontline of a changing climate and growing pressures on natural resources; solutions require a dynamic, independent coastal platform to bring the relevant people together.

“PCF’s work contributes directly to the Welsh government’s sustainability and climate change goals and legislation, including the Net Zero Wales plan and the UK’s commitment to cut emissions and reach net zero by 2050. It’s fantastic to be able to show the minister first-hand the vitally important work that goes on here and around the county every day.”

As well as meeting members of the PCF team, the visit was also an opportunity for the minister to meet some of PCF’s key partners and stakeholders from the community.

Guests included members of the Pembrokeshire Local Nature Partnership, representatives from the Outdoor Charter Group Partnership, the Port of Milford Haven and Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority. Local floating offshore wind project developers Blue Gem Wind and Floventis also attended.

Marine renewable energy is one of PCF priorities, through its Marine Energy Wales project, dedicated to establishing Wales as a global trailblazer and realizing its energy potential.

As a membership organization it acts as a single point of contact for the industry, connecting the sector with politicians and key stakeholders. It also delivers education and training in local schools and colleges. 

The waters around Wales have some of the best wave, tidal and wind energy resources in Europe, along with many valuable protected habitats. It’s estimated that within the next five years, marine energy could deliver more than £600 million to Wales and create thousands of jobs, particularly within the Floating Offshore Wind industry.

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