True Zero

Windship Technology, Calix join forces to cut CO2 emissions

Outlook & Strategy

British company Windship Technology has signed an agreement with Australian company Calix Limited to develop and incorporate Calix’s onboard carbon capture system RECAST into its whole-ship solution.

True Zero, Image courtesy: Windship Technology

As disclosed, the agreement was reached after a year of extensive work between the two companies to reach the zero-emission targets.

The two companies will also target the elimination of CO2, NOx, SOx and particulate emissions from the power systems.

This is achieved through the introduction of a low emissions lime-based sorbent into the exhaust system of a ship’s engine with the resulting capture reaction adding power to the drive train, the companies claim.

The combined technologies are expected to reach the targets at the lowest cost, while at the same time aligning with the United Nations’ 2030 sustainability goals and agenda.

“We have been delighted to work with Dr Brian Sweeney and the team at Calix throughout the design process of our onboard Carbon Capture System... and our … arrangement opens the door to delivering a … system that has the potential to future-proof the shipping industry to True Zero and deliver on the United Nations sustainability agenda,” Simon Rogers, Technical Director of Windship Technology commented.

The shipping industry is at a definite crossroads now with decisions being made that will affect the next 25 years of commercial activity. Legislation is against asset owners who are unwilling to adopt True Zero Emission technologies,” Graham Harvey, Chief Executive of Windship Technology pointed out.

Calix is pleased to be collaborating with Windship Technology to develop a zero emissions solution for the shipping industry. This … initiative is in line with Calix’s core mission. The use of low emissions lime as both a sorbent and a fuel for the ship is a valuable new application for our technology,” Phil Hodgson, Managing Director of Calix Limited concluded.

Four months ago, Windship Technology revealed its True Zero Emission ship design and announced an investment partnership with DNV GL.

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