Wood Appoints CTO

Business & Finance

Wood said it has created the role of chief technology officer with the appointment of Darren Martin.

Darren Martin; Image Source: Wood

Martin will redefine the digital offering, enabling the company to harness technology that will further complement its deep industry domain knowledge. New geographies and capabilities will be added to existing centres of digital excellence in Australia, the UK and America, Wood said in a press statement.

Martin previously led a range of strategic growth initiatives at independent end-to-end IT services and solution company.

Robin Watson, chief executive of Wood, said: “Digital leadership is key to Wood’s strategy. The fourth industrial revolution is disrupting global markets and we intend to be a key player in the technological innovation critical to addressing energy transition. We will continue to evolve to ensure our innovative capability extends across a range of end markets, within and beyond energy.”

Martin said: “This is an exciting time to join Wood. I am delighted to be given the opportunity to progress our digital footprint and accelerate the digital transformation of our services.  Our world is changing faster than ever. Everything around us is becoming smarter and more digitally connected: cars, factories, ports, mines, refineries, roads, office buildings, and even entire cities will be wired together in new ways and this will fundamentally change how Wood does business in the future.”