28 km of pipes delivered for Alexandroupolis LNG terminal

Business Developments & Projects

Corinth Pipeworks, a steel pipes segment of Cenergy Holdings, has delivered 28 kilometres of pipes for the offshore LNG terminal in Alexandroupolis, Greece.

Courtesy of Gastrade

The company was contracted in September 2022 to deliver 28 kilometres of 30” SAWL steel pipes, including anti-corrosion coating and concrete weight coating.

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Being developed by the Greek utility company Gastrade, the Alexandroupolis LNG project comprises an offshore floating, storage and regasification unit (FSRU) for the reception, temporary storage and regasification of LNG, a spread mooring system and a system of subsea and onshore gas transmission pipelines, through which natural gas will be delivered to the National Natural Gas Transmission System of Greece (NNGTS) and onwards to the final consumers.

The pipeline’s construction and operation are expected to strengthen the strategic role of Greece, as an energy hub for the wider region of Southeastern Europe and will offer alternative sources and routes of natural gas supply, enhancing the security of supply and energy autonomy.

The Alexandroupolis FSRU project was officially launched on 3 May 2022 and is expected to start operations by the end of 2023. Its contracted regasification capacity already reached up to 60% of its technical capacity of 5.5 billion cbm per year.

GasLog’s DNV-classed LNG carrier Gaslog Chelsea, which will serve the Alexandroupolis offshore LNG terminal, is being converted to an FSRU at the Keppel shipyard in Singapore.

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