DMC Now Offers Subsea Services for Offshore Wind Development

Business & Finance

Danish company DMC/Drechsler Marine Consult has announced that it now offers inspection and service of offshore wind farms, among other services.

DMC Now Offers Subsea Services for Offshore Wind Development

DMC’s ROV is equipped with a powerful manipulator arm and the company recently invested a BlueView high performance 2D imaging sonar, specially engineered for underwater tasks.

“You can reduce your costs if you hire us and one of our ROV underwater robots instead of using divers,” says the owner of DMC, Claus Drechsler.

In the North Sea, the ROV can do the job approx. four times as quickly as the divers. In contrast to a diving team that can only work approx. 2 hours every 6 hours in the North Sea because of the currents, the ROV is able to work in up to 3 meters waves and 2 knots current, provided that the vessel can be sheltered and stable. That means that the efficiency is multiplied.

DMC’s ROV only needs a crew of 2-3 people whereas a diving team consists of 6-7 people.

This also enables the company to offer cable inspection, which can be done from a moving vessel – the ROV does not need an anchored vessel.

Press Release, September 01, 2014