Ireland: Bord Gais Requires Tidal Consultancy Services

Business & Finance

Ireland: Bord Gais Requires Tidal Consultancy Services

Bord Gais Eireann is looking for a provider of Planning and Environmental Services for the Tidal Ventures Ltd. Project.

A Lead Consultant will manage a team which will be suitably qualified and experienced in the preparation and completion of the Marine Licence, Planning Application and all associated documentation for the proposed Tidal Ventures development.

The Team will be required to undertake and co-ordinate the entire Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) including all of the required studies, reports and provision of technical and environmental advice to the Client.

Deadline for submitting tenders is April 29.

Last year, the Crown Estate awarded Bord Gais and its Irish tidal energy partner, OpenHydro exclusive rights to develop a 100MW tidal energy farm off Torr Head on the north coast of Antrim. The project, potentially the first of its kind in the island of Ireland, is expected to be completed by the year 2020.

The award was made to Tidal Ventures Ltd. (a joint venture between the two energy companies) as part of Northern Ireland’s Offshore Renewable Energy Strategic Action Plan.


Offshore WIND Staff, April 9, 2013; Image: Bord Gais