Black & Veatch scores Brazilian hydrogen plant study

Business Developments & Projects

U.S. engineering company Black & Veatch has been selected by Eneegix Energy to undertake feasibility studies of the world’s largest green hydrogen plant.

Courtesy of Black & Veatch

When operational, Enegix Energy’s Base One facility in Ceará, Brazil, will produce more than 600 million kilogrammes of green hydrogen annually.

The new-build electrolysis facility will be powered entirely by renewable energy, initially 3.4 gigawatts of solar and onshore wind.

Ceará’s potential for renewable energy generation, coupled with access to a strategic deep-sea port to facilitate the export of hydrogen, were key to the choice of the scoped 500-hectare site for the $ 5.4 billion investment.

Enegix Energy has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Black & Veatch for the delivery of feasibility studies key to advancing the green hydrogen plant’s creation.

Commenting on the MoU, Gary Martin, a managing director with Black & Veatch’s Oil & Gas business, said, “Facilities such as the one proposed by Enegix are at the heart of making hydrogen a core component of a zero-carbon global economy, and our integrated approach places us in a unique position to contribute.”

Hydrogen has the potential to reduce and replace reliance on fossil fuels for electricity generation and storage, heating, transport, production of green chemicals and fertilizer.

In January 2021, reflecting its ongoing commitment to decarbonization and further advancing efforts to create a more balanced energy portfolio, Black & Veatch joined the Hydrogen Council – a global initiative of leading energy, transport and industry organizations with a vision for hydrogen’s ability to foster the energy transition.

In late 2020 Black & Veatch and Golar LNG expanded their collaboration, focusing on broadening floating production of blue and green hydrogen and ammonia.