Carnegie to introduce CETO 6 in Albany instead of Wave Hub

Business & Finance

Carnegie Clean Energy has shifted the immediate focus for delivery of the first CETO 6 prototype from Wave Hub in Cornwall to Albany in Western Australia, while continuing the UK development activities.

Following the change to original plans, Carnegie and Wave Hub signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to capture Carnegie’s work delivered to date at Wave Hub and to progress development for a CETO array following the Albany Project.

The collaboration activities will focus specifically on site development, array planning, operational and maintenance requirements for wave energy devices and arrays, according to Carnegie.

Also, Carnegie has signed an MOU with the University of Plymouth to collaborate on the development of CETO wave energy projects at Wave Hub in Cornwall by utilizing numerical and tank testing methods and analysis.

A tank testing campaign at 1:20 scale will commence in the coming weeks that will test the preferred geometry and power take off design for CETO 6 and the validation of the computational work undertaken for the Albany as well as at Wave Hub, in Cornwall, UK.

“Successful delivery of Albany Wave Energy Project (AWEP) will allow Carnegie to proceed towards delivery of a CETO array project at the Wave Hub site,” the company said.

Geotechnical and foundation development activities are also being progressed in the UK via a newly signed MOU with James Fisher Marine Services.

This collaboration is focused on low cost foundation design, subsea connectors, components and tooling, array planning, operation, installation and maintenance requirements for wave energy projects at Wave Hub, Carnegie informed.

To remind, Carnegie’s Wave Hub project has been backed by £9.6 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the first phase that comprises design, construction, installation and operation of a single grid-connected CETO 6 wave energy converter.

The commissioning was planned for 2018, but now – the new CETO 6 design will be first deployed at the AWEP during the 2019/2020 summer weather window.