Eco Wave Power gets consent for wave power plant in China

Authorities & Government

Eco Wave Power, an Israeli wave developer company, has received approval from the Chinese government for the construction of its wave power plant in Zoushan island, China.

Eco Wave Power (EWP), with the investment from Chinese government, established a subsidiary under the name Suzhou Eco Wave Technology.

The newly formed subsidiary secured the consent for the construction of a pilot wave plant in Zoushan island, and is in negotiations regarding additional 50 MW projects in Zhejiang Province, it is stated in EWP’s press release.

Chinese government is funding EWP’s wave plant that will have the capacity of 100 kW, and is expected to be completed by the end of this year, the company states.

David Leb, founder and CEO, and Inna Braverman Co-Founder of Eco Wave Power, said in a joint statement: “We believe that China is being very innovative by replacing some of its coal and other polluting methods with renewables such as solar, wind and now wave energy. Suzhou Eco Wave Technology is happy to be part of China’s renewable energy mix, and we are hoping that other countries will follow.”

Eco Wave Power has developed proprietary technology (Wave Clapper and Power Wing) which harnesses the motion of the waves in order to produce electricity.

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Image: Eco Wave Power