Eco Wave Power unveils Mexico wave plant plans

Authorities & Government

The Mexican subsidiary of Israeli wave energy developer Eco Wave Power (EWP) has unveiled plans to construct a 4.1MW wave energy power plant in the Mexican state of Colima.

EWP Mexico said the project secured an Interconnection Approval from the National Energy Control Center in Mexico (CENACE), for an overall initial capacity of 25MW.

The company plans to execute the project gradually, starting with a 4.1MW wave energy power plant, to be located at the Manzanillo Port.

Mexico wave power plant illustration (Image: EWP)

The construction of the project is expected to begin upon the receipt of the final permits, which include the authorization of works by the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation of Mexico (SCT), and generation permit by the country’s Energy Regulatory Commission.

EWP already purchased 5000 square meters of land for its machinery and conducted relevant studies for the project, including environmental, wave, bathymetry and soil mechanicals studies, the company informed.

Also, EWP Mexico said it raised the first $1 million for initial works for the project, and announced its intention to raise additional $12 million within the next six months.

David Leb and Inna Braverman, EWP’s co-founders, said in a joint statement: “We are very excited and looking forward to receive the remaining permits and start the construction of EWP’s first power plant in Mexico.”

The power plant will be located in the Cuyutlán/Tepalcates Beach in Manzanillo, state of Colima, which is, along with the Municipality of Manzanillo, the potential buyer of the energy that will be generated, according to EWP.