Speakers at the Focus on Offshore Wind session at Offshore Energy's studio

Focus on Offshore Wind

Outlook & Strategy

The first session at the Offshore Energy 2020 event discussed offshore wind, but other offshore renewables as well.


As we move to a more clean-energy-oriented world, cross-market collaboration and system integration get more attention. With using multiple technologies to tap into the offshore renewable energy resources, spatial planning is one of the key points to address.

Moderated by Erwin Coolen, Owner at ECHT, the session hosted expert views and input from Marcel van Bergen, Director Offshore Heavy Lifting at Boskalis, Wijnand van Aalst, CEO at Van Aalst, Benjamin Lehner, Business & Innovation Advisor at DMEC, Diederick Nierstrasz, Business Development Manager Wind at Ampelmann.

View on Vimeo.

Wijnand van Aalst was a guest at the Energy Plaza after the Focus on Offshore Wind talk show, where he provided further industry insights:

View on Vimeo.

Also check out a short chat with Erwin Coolen at the Energy Plaza following the session:

View on Vimeo.
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