Fugro EMU Chosen to Improve MMO Marine Data

Business & Finance

Fugro, EMU Chosen to Improve MMO Marine Data.

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has recently established a high profile framework agreement with Fugro EMU. Under the new agreement Fugro EMU will support marine planning and decision-making through the provision of marine scientific and technical advice and evidence.

The framework agreement allows for high quality research and technical advice to be efficiently commissioned in priority areas relevant to marine management decision-making by the MMO and other UK Government partners.

The MMO commented, “This is an important development in procuring high quality science, evidence and technical advice to support decision-making in MMO operational functions, which needs to be based on the best available evidence. The framework is a mechanism to ensure value for money for our evidence commissions until 2016.”

Responding to this positive news Justine Saunders, Principal Marine Consultant for Fugro EMU said, “We are delighted to have been awarded this framework agreement by the MMO. Fugro EMU has qualified for two framework lots related to social and economic sciences and ecosystem services. Our team will help inform ecosystem services assessments through its expertise in ecological modelling and its understanding of social and economic impacts from developments in various marine industries.”

Fugro EMU has already delivered a range of commissions for the MMO and other framework partners. These include the creation of a catalogue of social and economic evidence to inform marine planning and development of evidence standards to support and enhance statutory advice relevant to Measure 13 of Defra’s Habitats and Wild Birds Directives Implementation Review (HDIR).

Press Release, September 20, 2013