HEH kicks off early construction of Stade LNG terminal

Business Developments & Projects

The construction of the Stade liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal has begun ahead of schedule after the preparatory measures have been approved by authorities, Hanseatic Energy Hub (HEH) informed.

Illustration / Courtesy of Fluxys

The federal government and the state of Lower Saxony each pledged €100 million to finance the energy port in Stade, and the Lower Saxony State Agency for Water Management, Coastal Protection and Nature Conservation (NLWKN) approved an early start to the preparatory measures for the construction of LNG jetty. 

These include the construction of dike crossings and sheet pile walls as well as the construction of a loading platform. The jetty is being planned and implemented by the port company Niedersachsen Ports (NPorts).

Originally planned for 2026, the early construction of the energy port creates the prerequisite for one of the five floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs) chartered by the German federal government to dock in Stade and feed gas into the German grid as early as the end of 2023.

From 2026, the port will then serve as a landing point for the Hanseatic Energy Hub. The onshore terminal is emission-free in operation and designed to be future-flexible, the developer said.

Following the conclusion of the Binding Open Season with binding booking requests, individual marketing of the capacities is currently underway for the hub.

Recently, the EU Commission also confirmed the exemption from regulation for the terminal. The exemption applies to an annual throughput capacity of 13.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas.

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Construction of another LNG import terminal that is to secure energy supplies to Germany also began last week.

On 20 September, Deutsche ReGas kicked off the construction of ‘Deutsche Ostsee’, an LNG terminal in Lubmin in the northeast of the country.

Germany is also working on major projects in Wilhelmshaven and Brunsbüttel in order to cut dependence on Russian gas.

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